Level Design | Team of 5 | Unity - PC | 2022
Fr0G-0 (Frog-o) is a short platforming game created by me and a small team for my Game Studio class at Champlain College. The game is a platforming adventure where the player, a small mechanically augmented frog, is forced to jump, with every third jump being larger than the others. This encourages the player to think through their moves as they plan their path throughout each level and to the goal.

The Starting Tutorial
Along with the general design planning for the game done with the rest of the team my main task was to design the levels for the game’s second half, levels 16 through 30 of the total 30 levels. With this in mind I aimed for more difficult levels but still wanted there to be a curve as levels moved on.


This curve can be seen in levels 16 and 21 well. Each level unitized one previously taught power-up ability (the colored flasks), but level 16 has a lower enemy density and a lower possibility of failure with the invincibility power-up. Each level requires planning and skill but level 21 includes multiple types of threats, such as ceiling lasers and fast moving obstacles, while level 16 can be completed with a simpler understanding of the surrounding obstacles and gameplay.

Level 23 - Filled with Horizontal moving platforms
While planned around the curve I also wanted each level to bring its unique memorability to the game. Levels like 23 and 28 are ones I am happy with in this regard. 23 features the jump boost power-up and many horizontal moving platforms, causing a bit of chaos as the player tries to time platforms with jumps to move higher. 28 features one turret enemy that tracks the player’s movement, forcing them to stay behind walls to not be hit. Each level plays differently while still maintaining the same simple systems.

Level 28 - Hiding from the Tracking Turret
Combined with all this each level featured small trapped frogs that the player could choose to rescue if they wish, adding some extra optional challenge to each level.
Fr0G-0 is a game I am really happy with my work on. Each of my levels stands out on its own as having a unique element and many challenge the player in fully unique ways.